Missions & Ministry Moments

Who Is Ready for Summer?

Who is ready for summer? How many of you have a trip planned for this summer? OK, shout out to me where are you going? Give time for them to share. Can you fit me in your suitcase? Summer is our typical time of vacation and many of you have been...

The Chicken Neck Sacrifice

Have you ever heard that grandmothers and mothers would always eat the chicken neck when they served their families chicken? I remember hearing that, and I found these statements from writers… “When I was little, my mom and her mom always said that a mom's favorite parts of the chicken were...

Vacation Planning

How many of you already have your vacation planned? How many of you wish you were on vacation right now? We all need a break from time to time. We are fast approaching summer which for many of you means your annual break from slaving away at the salt mine...

Do You Ever Forget?

Anyone in here honest enough to admit that they sometimes forget about their offering? You thought about giving. You wanted to give. It's just that something else came up, distracted you, you went on vacation or whatever, and before you know it, you forgot. I think most of us can...

Showers of Blessings

Remember the old saying, “April showers will bring May flowers?” Spring rains are essential not simply for the growth of flowers but for all agriculture. There is something refreshing about a spring shower! It clears the air and brings life. As I thought about that popular phrase it reminded me of...

Christ Is Risen!

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if Christ had not risen from the grave? Without the Resurrection, we would not have a viable faith. If Christ did not rise from the grave, what hope do we have? Why are you here if the Resurrection is some...

Every Gift is a Big Deal

Today, in churches around the world, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This day, the week before Easter, is when we focus on Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. On that day, Jesus rode into the city on a donkey that had never had anyone ride it. People came from all over the...

Why We Give Will Never Change

Change is inevitable. That is one lesson we have all learned these last couple of years. We have been forced as a church to change how we do a lot of things. One thing that changed immediately with Covid was how we took up the offering. We went from primarily...

Thank You!

In writing to the Philippian church, the Apostle Paul began the letter saying, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” That verse expresses how we feel about each of you! As we focus on the offering today, I want to say thank you to every...

There Is No I in Team

How is March Madness going for your team? March Madness is a term that has become synonymous with the NCAA basketball tournament played every March. It comes from the fact that many games end in crazy maddening ways. There are also lots of upsets that add to the, well, madness....