The SBC's Go-To Guide for
Information, Practical Advice, and Tips for
Building a Culture of Generosity on Biblical Principles

With columns from stewardship leaders from across the country,
as well as insights from Mark Brooks, nationally renowned “Stewardship Coach.”

Our Sponsors

How to Have End-of-Year Success

The last six weeks of this year and the first six weeks of the New Year will largely determine how your financial year goes. That ...
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Begin With the Right Building Blocks

The following post is reprinted with permission. 25% to 30% of non-profits annual giving comes in during the last six weeks of the year. In ...
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The 2024 #GivingTuesday Playbook

My Goal for this Playbook “My goal in preaching is for you to come back next week and bring a friend.” I once heard Andy ...
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