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The Stewardship Journal

The Stewardship Journal is a weekly e-newsletter started by the Missouri Baptist Convention.  It is designed to equip church leaders with tools for discipling their members in biblical stewardship.  Starting January 8, 2023, the Journal moved to become national in reach with other state conventions deciding to sponsor this site.  These states, along with other sponsors, allow SBC church leaders access to free materials on stewardship and generosity-related topics. It features the writing of,

  • Mark Brooks, the nationally renowned Stewardship Coach, provides insights, tips, and trends that impact generosity in SBC churches.  Mark is the Writer in Residence at OnlineGiving.org.  OnlineGiving.org helps sponsor the Stewardship Journal.
  • We also use other contributors who have expertise in generosity/stewardship-related topics.

Weekly, except on holidays, the Journal offers practical advice to help you create a culture of generosity based upon biblical stewardship.

Mark Brooks
The Stewardship Coach

About Mark Brooks

Few people in America know the current state of giving to the church like Mark Brooks.  There are certainly not many who have written as extensively as Mark, known as “The Stewardship Coach.”  From blog posts, a weekly newsletter called “The Stewardship Coach,” books, and articles, he is one of the premier experts on the state of giving to the church. 

Mark has over twenty years of experience in the stewardship field after spending twenty years as a Southern Baptist Senior Pastor.  

Currently, Mark writes for the online giving firm OnlineGiving.org.  You can find his posts at https://www.onlinegiving.org/blog. His column, “The Stewardship Coach,” is now distributed to over 10,000 individuals.

Mark has been married forty-seven years to his wife, Valerie.  Mark and Valerie live in Broken Arrow, OK, where they are active members of FBC Broken Arrow.

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