Author - Mark Brooks

Father’s Day Gifts

Today is Father's Day! Thank God for fathers! Some of you have fathers still living, and for others of you, your father has gone. Yet, living or passed, we celebrate their lives today. What gifts do we get for our fathers? Traditionally, it has been ties. Given the pandemic, I am...

The Formula for a Successful Capital Campaign

In my over twenty years of helping churches hold capital campaigns, I have found that the majority of mistakes made, happen BEFORE the campaign even starts. To help you avoid these mistakes let me show you what you need to know and do BEFORE your next campaign. So, let’s get started...

Avoiding the Common Mistakes in Project Planning

Most churches doom their capital campaign long before they even unwrap it before the congregation. That has been my experience in the last twenty-plus years of working with top 100 churches and churches running 100. Church leaders inexperienced in the process of project development often make critical mistakes early in...

How Will This Impact Giving?

The following is a personal opinion piece by Mark Brooks “How will that impact giving?” That is the question I always ask as a stewardship minister. When the economy goes south, I ask this question. When weather cancels a service, I ask that question. When a crisis such as Covid-19 appears,...

Yes, We Do Talk About Money Here!

"All the church ever talks about is money!" Have you ever heard that? If you regularly attend Church, you know that is not true. Yet every week, we focus on the offering. So, we do, at least for a few minutes, talk about money here. Have you ever wondered what we...

How Long Does It Take to Hold a Capital Campaign?

The answer to how long it takes is always, it depends. For most campaigns, the average time is at least six months from initial planning to completion. In some situations, it can and must be done sooner but they are the exception rather than the rule. Those campaigns typically never...

Making the Case for Raising Capital Dollars

How old is your newest “new” building? I once joked with a pastor that he probably had a building that his members referred to as “The New…” yet it was years old. He looked shocked and said, “Our “New Fellowship Hall,” is twenty years old!” It was the newest of...

VBS Trivia

For June 5th Does anyone here like trivia? I have a church history question for you about Vacation Bible School. To help you, I'll make it multiple choice. A woman named Mrs. Hawes, who lived in New York City, became concerned about the poor children running around in summer without anything...

A Memorial Gift

There will be no newsletter on Memorial Day thus we are providing you with two offering talks. This weekend is Memorial Day. The sad thing about many of our holidays is that we have forgotten why they exist. Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday of May, was first started to...

Direct USPS Mail Appeal Sample – Send before June 1st.

The following letter will be sent to your leaders, informing them of the summer offering push. Edit the following to best suit your message. You could also adapt this for an email. Dear _____________, While we might not have all been back on campus, CHURCH NAME has been active, thanks to the...