Author - Mark Brooks

Bringing Lottie Moon to Life

Churches start something a certain way and then do it that way forever. It’s the old, we’ve always done it that way before syndrome. In this fast-paced society we live in, If you keep doing the same thing you have always done, you will not get what you always got. The above...

A Promise You Can Count On

How many of you are ready for the election to be over? I was ready for it to be over before it started! By the time you reach my age, it seems like you have heard all the promises from politicians of every party. “I promise to…, fill in the...

How to Make Your Appeal About People

In my main column, I wrote about the message behind your appeals needing to be about people and life change. The following is from my 2022 #GivingTuesday Playbook. While this appeal fits best with a #GivingTuesday strategy, it shows how to position your appeal as compelling. #GivingTuesday suggested email copy. Subject Line:...

The Message Behind Your Budget

Make it about reaching people. I remember when that popped into my mind as a young pastor. I was out in my driveway shooting hoops, thinking and praying about how to raise $1 million. Back in the day, that was serious change. I kept thinking, “How will I get people...

Halloween’s History

This might surprise you, but Halloween was not originally about trick or treating or candy. Like many of our holidays, Halloween is not what it once was. While the origin of Halloween is debated, we know that in the 8th century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as All Saint’s...

Pre #GivingTuesday Planning and Preparation

Use this to planning for #GivingTuesday. Start planning now! The greater the planning, the greater the results. So, start now thinking and planning how to make #GivingTuesday impactful.Decide where the money will go. I think this should be outside the church to support some ministry or cause your members would willingly...

Is the Economy Hurting Your Church?

Is the economy hurting your church? That’s my question to you and the title of this Coach. Lifeway Research decided to put that question to American pastors. They stated that “2022 marks the first time since 2016 that more than half of pastors feel the economy is having a negative...

What a Lottie Moon Offering Taught Me About Giving

“How many of you have a dollar bill on you tonight? Hold them up.” I made that comment one Sunday night in late December at the church I was pastoring. It was the typical Sunday night crowd of around 150 adults and youth. Across the sanctuary, hands went up, waving...

Let’s Pray FOR the Offering

Most churches pray before they take up the offering, but I want to ask you to pray FOR the offering. Before I do that, let me make the case for why we take up a weekly offering. We have a mission here at YOUR CHURCH NAME. Our mission is, STATE...

The Coach’s Suggested Action List for Using Social Media for End-of-Year Giving

As you work to build out your end-of-year message, don’t forget to build a social media strategy. Here are my recommendations on how to use social media. Avoid these Common Mistakes Churches Make on Social Media Not utilizing it at all. If you want to reach your neighborhood, you will find them...