Monthly Archives - February 2022

Are You Ready for Spring?

Are you ready for spring? I am! While we still have more cold weather in store you can see the hints of spring. Never fear my friends, warmer weather is coming! Do you know how you can know spring is around the corner? Just go to your local Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home...

Finding Stability in An Unstable World

When I wrote my book on preaching on stewardship, The Forgotten Sermon, I developed the following series, Finding Stability in an Unstable World. Here is the first sermon in that series. Laying a Foundation That Assures StabilityPsalm 1 Introduction:  Where were you on 9/11? Nothing so clearly illustrates the instability we continue...

The 21st Century Sermon

“He is twenty minutes into his sermon, and he has not yet mentioned one Bible verse.” That was my comment one Sunday morning, right after our move to Oklahoma. Valerie and I were church shopping, looking for a church that would be a good fit for us. Someone had recommended...

Overcoming Objections to Crypto

Over 112 million people watched the Super Bowl this year. Many of those millions didn’t care who won or lost or even much, if anything, about the game. They watched the Super Bowl for the commercials. In fact, according to a study, 37% of Super Bowl viewers last year admitted...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another Stewardship Journal! Did you watch the Super Bowl? I have met several people that stated they watched the game for the ads but not the teams playing. You probably know someone like that. In some years, the ads are more talked about than the game. This year the...

An Exclusive Interview With Ron Sellers On The Generation Gap

The majority of churches in America receive the bulk of their giving from members of the Baby Boomer generation. Every day, 10,000 Boomers turn 65 hastening the day of their retirement. With our largest donor base aging, the question we have been asking at the Journal is, how can we...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another Stewardship Journal! Our lead article this week is one you will not only want to read now, but it has information that you’ll want to file away for future use. We have been quoting a lot from the recent Christianity Today article about preaching, 9 in 10...

On the Road To…

We are going to hear a lot about basketball in the next few weeks. The NCAA basketball tournament will be starting soon. The Final Four will be played in New Orleans this year. CBS broadcasts many of the games that lead up to the finals. They often start the tournament...

Practical Ideas on Developing a Stewardship Series

Imagine you are fresh out of college and only a few years into your career and you are already staring at a massive amount of student loan debt. You just got married a couple of years ago and your firstborn is due any day now. You see this post come...

Making a Case for a Stewardship Series

You are 2 ½ times more likely to see an increase in giving after preaching a series on giving rather than preaching on stewardship once or even twice a year.1. If that is true, why is it that so many pastors fail to even preach one sermon a year on...