Yearly Archives - 2022

How Do You Honor the Lord?

Offering Talk for January 8 I love reading through the book of Proverbs to gain wisdom and insight. Proverbs was written by King Solomon, who was regarded as the wisest man of his day. He was also one of the wealthiest people of his day. His practical instructions in the book...

Start the New Year Right

Offering Talk for January 1 Can you believe that Christmas is over and that this is the last Sunday of the year? As we approach the New Year, have you made any New Year's resolutions? Studies show that most resolutions are broken or forgotten within weeks. Part of the problem is that...

Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men

Offering Talk for December 25 I don’t know about you, but I needed Christmas for no other reason than to hear Christmas Carols! To me, they are uplifting to my spirit. I was going through carols the other day. Does anyone remember the carol I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day?...

Turning Failure into Triumph

Behind every successful guy/gal, there is a guy. I’m that guy. God’s call upon my life has taken me to places I never anticipated. If you had told me when I finished seminary that this would be my ministry, I would have believed I had somehow failed. Yet, I knew...

Maximize Gifts and Reduce Rates with ACH

For the past few weeks, we have been focusing on end-of-year giving. In this final Journal for 2022, we want to share with you one way in which you can maximize giving and reduce your rates. Americans are in love with acronyms. Our government certainly loves them. Think FBI, IRS, CIA,...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to the last 2022 edition of the Stewardship Journal. On behalf of our team, thank you for supporting the Stewardship Journal. Our prayer has been that this weekly journal has helped you build an effective stewardship platform that will help fund the Kingdom work God has called your church...

Keep the Focus on Christmas

We are exactly one week from Christmas! Does that evoke excitement or fear in you? For the kid in us, it evokes excitement. The adult in us worries about all that is left to do. Sadly, too many of us get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this...

December 31st Email and Text Blast

A well-written email and text message can generate hundreds and thousands of dollars if it is done well. Here are two samples for your consideration. I recommend keeping the message short and providing multiple links to your giving portal. Subject line: What does 83% mean for Our Church?Dear ______________,83%. According to...

It’s Late, But It’s Not Too Late

“In the midst of ominous political times, lots of negative news about our country’s economy, and a looming fiscal cliff – our Church had an amazing and God-sized year-end in the area of giving.” That was written in 2012 by a business administrator at one of the largest churches in...