From the Stewardship Journal Team
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, begins his column with this statement, “The Senior Pastor is my biggest challenge in helping churches build a culture of generosity.” He then goes on to share why pastors and staff must be involved in the stewardship process with a post entitled The Importance of the Pastoral Lane. You’ll find his thoughts helpful as you review your commitment to stewardship.
The Bonus Section is meant to give practical advice, and this post, entitled How to Develop a Pastoral Lane, gives you easy, practical steps for developing your own Pastoral Lane.
Our final post carries on the theme of the Pastoral Lane of stewardship with a post entitled Why Pastors Neglect Stewardship. The post is an excerpt from the book The Top Ten Stewardship Mistakes Churches Make and focuses on how pastors are often disconnected from the stewardship process and why.
Once again, we wish to remind you that the Stewardship Journal site offers our churches a full host of materials and help. Here is how to access this material:
- First, go to the Stewardship Journal site at
- Look in the upper right corner of the site for the link that says ‘Resources’ and click on it.
- Fill out the ‘Create an Account’ information. Your Username can be your email or any other name you assign. Create your own password and be sure to write it down for the future.
- Where it asks for an invite code, use this code: SBCSJ2024!
- In the final box, select our state convention.
Pastor, if you will read and use this weekly newsletter and the additional tools we have provided for you, we believe you will increase generosity at your church and as you partner with us worldwide!
In Jesus’ name!