From the Desk of Our Executive Director

From the Stewardship Journal Team

The past few weeks' events have shown the importance of the local church. In times of distress and unrest, it is good to know there is a place we can go to for sanctuary from the storm. Now more than ever, our Nation needs strong churches to show the way...

From My Desk to Yours

The past few weeks' events have shown the importance of the local church. In times of distress and unrest, it is good to know there is a place we can go to for sanctuary from the storm. Now more than ever, our Nation needs strong churches to show the way...

From The Stewardship Journal Team

How much can your church raise in a capital campaign? Welcome to another issue of the Stewardship Journal. For the last few weeks, we have been focusing on capital campaigns, and with this issue of the Journal, we continue that topic. Our goal is to provide you with enough advice...

From My Desk to Yours

How much can your church raise in a capital campaign? Welcome to another issue of the Stewardship Journal. For the last few weeks, we have been focusing on capital campaigns, and with this issue of the Journal, we continue that topic. Our goal is to provide you with enough advice...

From The Stewardship Journal Team

How clear is your vision? Welcome back to another issue of the Stewardship Journal. We pray you had a great 4th of July and are ready to get back into action. We are ready with another Journal, picking up our theme of raising capital dollars for the future. Mark Brooks, The...

From My Desk to Yours

How clear is your vision? Welcome back to another issue of the Stewardship Journal. I pray you had a great 4th of July and are ready to get back into action. We are ready with another Journal, picking up our theme of raising capital dollars for the future. Mark Brooks, The...

From My Desk to Yours

Is your church ready for a capital campaign? Are you? The Stewardship Journal has you covered! We are in the midst of a series called Giving Away the Farm. Throughout the summer, in each edition, we will be giving away all the secrets of stewardship consultants so you can do...