From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another Stewardship Journal!
Recently an MBC church layman emailed our team asking, “I was just appointed chair of our Stewardship Committee and have been tasked with getting it up and going again after the pandemic. This is new territory for me. Any suggestions or resources would be appreciated.” That led to this week’s opening post, entitled We Are Your Stewardship Resource. Rob Phillips and Mark Brooks share how the Journal and our other resources provide the answer to this question. I believe these suggestions about how to use our resources will help you and your team produce a successful stewardship plan.
Then, here is a preview of the rest of the Stewardship Journal.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, continues his series on summer giving planning, writing a post entitled Putting the Tools Together for Your Best Summer Giving Ever. Mark gives us great practical advice for the key tools you will need to make this your best summer giving ever.
This week’s Bonus Section is entitled Summer Giving Overview. This brief overview outlines some of your church’s basic steps to head off a slump in summer giving.
This week’s Mission and Ministry focus is entitled Showers of Blessings, focusing upon how spring showers brings a harvest. The talk uses a familiar hymn to link biblical passages of how God blesses those who are generous with His shower of blessings.
As always, thank you for reading this edition of the Stewardship Journal. Let us know how we are doing or if you have a topic you would like us to write on; we would love to hear from you. Contact Rob Phillips at If you know of someone who would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Remember, we are your stewardship resource!
Advancing the Gospel!

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