Bonus Material

How to Reverse the Decline in Giving

I wrote the following for You can read it and all my other writing at, Since 1968, Americans have given less of their disposable incomes to their church while their incomes have risen. Those are the findings from a recent report from empty tomb, inc., a group that tracks...

10 Key Tips for Improving Your Emails

Here are 10 Key Tips for Improving Your Emails. Have an interesting subject line. If they don’t open it, your message is lost. So, create interest in your subject line that will make them want to open the email and read it. The more effective the subject line, the better the...

The Importance of Knowing Your Giving Metrics

The following was published at Here is a question we ask every church leader. “How is giving at your church?” We follow that up by asking, “Is giving growing not only by amount but by the number of people giving?” Then we ask, “Do you have many new givers, and...

Your Last-Minute Summer Planning Sheet

Are you ready to head off the summer slump in giving? If I were a pastor heading into summer, here is what I would be asking myself, my staff, or my team. How is giving doing as we move into summer? Are we ahead or behind budget? How does current giving...

What’s Your 50%, and What is Your Split?

Show me your fifty percent line and your over/under split, and I’ll reveal to you your future. The most pivotal question is, what will you do about it? Because, ready or not, the problem of declining giving is already impacting you, and it will not get any better, and if...

How to Make May Recurring Giving Sign-Up Month!

Do you have your summer giving plan in place? Here are two examples of how you can increase the percentage of giving coming automatically to your church this summer. First, consider a direct mail send to your top giving leaders. Here is a sample. Dear _____________, We are set to have the...

Social Media Checklist and Suggested Action List

Avoid these Common Mistakes Churches Make in Social Media Not utilizing it at all. If you want to reach your neighborhood, you will find them on social media. Setting it up and then leaving it. Posts that are weeks or months old show a lack of interest. Making it all about the church....

How to Use May for a Recurring Giving Drive

Since we know that giving will be a challenge during the summer, why not start a drive for recurring giving throughout the month of May? First, let’s break down the top mistakes most churches make with regard to online giving. The number one mistake churches make with online giving is setting...

The 15 Offerings of Summer Playbook Plan

Use the chart to plan out your 15 offerings. The Who, How, What, When, Why column helps you decide the best way to communicate the story you are focusing on. Each offering is about connecting your summer vision to life change! DateFocus of OfferingWho, How, What, When, Why?May 28th  June 4th  June 11th  June...

The 48-Hour Window

“Research has shown that first-time donors who receive a personal thank-you within 48 hours are four times more likely to give again. Yes, thanking in 48 hours equals a 400 percent improvement in renewal rates.” Tom Ahern, in his book, What Donors Want…and Why. I know you are tired from Easter,...