Bonus Material

An Overview of a Leadership Meeting

Let me explain what I mean when I say leaders. As a stewardship guy, I’m thinking of raising funds. So, I want the top 15% of your donors to be present at any leadership meeting. Often, that net captures all your leaders. However, it might not catch the faithful retiree...

Are the Glory Days of Capital Campaigns Over?

Are the glory days of capital campaigns over? Since the 1960s, when there was a huge explosion of church expansion and building capital campaigns, billions of dollars have been raised for churches. Those days may be over. Studies are showing that the average capital campaign is now raising about... 1 time....

Let’s Make a Case for Your Vision!

When I work with a client for a significant giving initiative, I start by asking the Pastor to write out the vision behind whatever we are raising money for. Technically, this is called a Vision Case Statement. I want a broad overview of what we are raising money for on...

The Case for Special Offerings

In my experience of working with churches of all types and sizes, special offerings work if you do them right. Let me make a case for special offerings. Why hold special offerings? First and foremost, special offerings give you the ability to recast your vision every time you hold one. And...

How Long Does It Take to Hold a Capital Campaign?

A lot longer than you think. But when I get asked this question they always mean the “public phase” of a campaign. This comes after months and sometimes years of planning. In most “public phase” campaigns, the average time is at least six months from initial planning to completion. In...

The Formula for a Successful Capital Campaign

In my over twenty-five years of helping churches hold capital campaigns, I have found that the majority of mistakes made happen BEFORE the campaign even starts. The goal of this paper is to help you avoid these mistakes by showing you what you need to know and do BEFORE your...

An Overview of Free Capital Campaign Help

Get the help you need for your next capital campaign for a price you can afford AND never have to leave your office or home! I wrote that line in 2015 for a program I developed called The Online Campaign. I devised an eight-part online series that would teach any...

The Future of Capital Funding

I have lost track of how much money I have helped churches raise in capital campaigns. In over twenty-five years, I have learned a few things. For years I have been asking, what is the future for raising the capital funding? The list below is some of the key issues...

The Legacy Team

One answer to assuring the future financial security of the church is to use Legacy donors to create a Legacy Team. As you will see in the definition, membership isn’t based on wealth, but on a desire to use whatever wealth they have for The Kingdom. Here are some thoughts...

The Senior Pastor’s Weekly Stewardship Overview

How much time should a Senior Pastor spend on stewardship? I believe every Senior Pastor should commit 5% to 10% of their time to educating themselves, building out, and working on a stewardship plan. If that sounds daunting, start with thirty minutes a week and then build from there. The...