Author - Mark Brooks

Let’s Change the Conversation About Money and Giving

A few years ago, I asked a pastor what my biggest obstacle was in helping him increase giving at his church. He replied, “My staff.” I thought he was kidding until I held my first meeting with his staff. I walked into the room to bored looks, and everyone had...

Dreams Matter

Dreams matter. Tomorrow's holiday honoring Martin Luther King is proof of that. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the iconic "I Have a Dream" speech in front of over 250,000 supporters gathered at the Lincoln Memorial. The speech was ranked the best American speech of the 20th...

Practical Ideas to Take Your Offering to the Next Level

Ideas to take your offerings to the next level – Since even my stellar offering talks can become routine, causing members to tune you out, let me give you some ideas on how to take your talks to the next level. You must keep changing what you do during the offering...

Everything Rises and Falls With the Offering

“Just when we really get going in worship, then it is time for the offering, and it interrupts the flow of worship!” I actually had a staff member tell me that once when I was attempting to help their church reverse a decline in giving. That statement sums up most...