The Essential Tools for an Easter Digital Giving Strategy

The Essential Tools for an Easter Digital Giving Strategy

We all know that Easter is the church’s best-attended day of the year. You might not know that Easter is typically a strong offering day. At least Easter used to be a strong offering day, when every chair or pew was filled with warm bodies. This playbook will show you how to assure a great Easter offering even if you don’t meet for in-person worship.

Since attendance at church meetings in person is hovering around 30% to 50% of pre-Covid numbers, it has become imperative to have a digital giving strategy. My task is to help get you ready by answering…

What systems should you have in place?

  1. Dynamic website. Your website is the first place most people will visit BEFORE they ever darken your doors. Make yours a good one! Use your website’s URL to drive people to your online giving page. Your giving page’s URL can be used to direct people to your site.
  2. Robust online giving platform, including app and text giving. You should be working toward the majority of your giving coming in some type of digital means. At, we offer every major online platform, including crypto currency.
  3. Social Media platform and presence. Like it or not, social media is where many people spend a great bulk of their time. If you are not there, you miss an opportunity to connect with your people and those in your community.
  4. Postage-paid envelopes. I know this sounds old school, but this can be a great tool if used properly.
  5. Extensive database of your donors. A given is to have all your member’s email addresses. Yet you need also to have the ability to break this list down by various subgroups like first-time givers, consistency, etc.
  6. A mass email platform, such as Constant Contact or MailChimp. There are many platforms to help you send out emails in multiple batches. Some offer free services for a limited number of sends. Most cost only a few dollars a month. Find the tool that suits your church database best.
  7. Offering talks. On-campus or live streaming, it is essential that each offering time has a talk connecting your vision to giving. I’ll share more on this later.

With the above tools, you can begin building an Easter Digital Giving strategy that will help you see the kinds of Easter offerings you had before the pandemic. With Easter only weeks away, now is the time to prepare for your best Easter offering ever!

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