Author - Mark Brooks

How to Develop a Pastoral Lane

The Senior Pastor must be involved in stewardship development if a church is to be fully funded. Here is a list of practical ideas for a Senior Pastor for developing their pastoral lane for enhancing stewardship. Start incorporating a few of these suggestions into your weekly routine and you will...

Every Day is a Super Bowl Sunday Here

Just in case you did not know, tonight is the Super Bowl. Who’s cheering for the Rams? Is anyone cheering for the Bengals? How many of you will watch but only for the ads? Here are some interesting facts: Last year Americans spent $13.9 billion on the Super Bowl, mostly on...

The Digital Offering

The offering is not dead; it’s different. It has been my new mantra and theme of the last few issues of The Stewardship Coach. I’ve been contending that the why of the offering hasn’t changed. What has changed is the how. In 2011, only 14% of churches offered online giving....

The Coach’s Text Giving Handbook

With over 80% of your congregation having and using smartphones, you need a text-giving strategy. Here is a simple step-by-step approach that any church can utilize. Set it up. If you don’t have text giving, we can help at Then, you need to use it. You can’t promote what...

Our Story is Eternal

The following “talk” will require some work on your part to make it compelling and effective. Find some story of life change that you can tell and then link that back to the generosity of your members. If you can’t find a story, give statistics showing the impact that can...

The Anatomy of the Offering Time

Remember what it was like that first shut down Sunday in March 2020, and your offering went to practically zero overnight? That is your future if you don’t do something quickly. If you doubt me, have your financial person give you a listing of the top ten donors in your...

How I Write Offering Talks

At 500 offering talks, I stopped counting how many I have written. Suffice it to say; I know a thing or two about offering talks as I’ve seen a few. I wrote a blog post on this topic a few years ago.1. Here is what I wrote: First, let me state...

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Are there any classic rock and roll fans here? Who let the Boomers in? Seriously, the approach of Valentine’s Day led me to think about love songs, and I wondered if any of you remember the song, What's Love Got to Do With It? (Some or, Wow!, a lot.) Does...

Does $164.76 Say I Love You?

Last year, the average American spent $164.76 on Valentine's Day cards, candies, and flowers. As a nation, we spent almost $22 billion all in an attempt to say; I Love You.1. All those flowers wilted, the candy was eaten, and most cards were thrown out. Is it worth it? We...

How to Make Your Offerings 24/7/365

If there were any doubts about the impact of online giving on offerings, those doubts vanished with the rise of COVID-19. I hear continually from pastors, “We will never pass an offering plate ever again.” Commerce had already moved to become digital. The pandemic forced churches to finally adapt. Now...