Author - Mark Brooks

The 15 Offerings of Summer: How to Reverse the Summer Slump in 60 Seconds

Summer offering strategy - Here is an overview of a plan of action for summer offerings taken from my new playbook, The 15 Offerings of Summer: How to Reverse the Summer Slump in 60 Seconds. What is your plan? The best message and tools, while essential, are worthless without...

Putting the Tools Together for Your Best Summer Giving Ever

You survived another Easter! Congratulations. Now it’s time to get ready for the summer slump in giving that is heading your way. The lack of forward planning is one of the biggest mistakes churches make as they approach the summer months. My most successful churches implement a summer giving plan every...

Christ Is Risen!

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if Christ had not risen from the grave? Without the Resurrection, we would not have a viable faith. If Christ did not rise from the grave, what hope do we have? Why are you here if the Resurrection is some...

15 Offerings of Summer Worksheet

Use the chart to plan out your 15 offerings. The Who, How, What, When, Why column helps you decide the best way to communicate the story you are focusing on. Each offering is about connecting your summer vision to life change! 15 Sundays/15 Offerings DateFocus of OfferingWho, How, What, When, Why?May 29th  June...

How to Motivate People to Generously Support Your Summer Mission

Right after Easter, you have a crisis heading your way. The summer slump begins one minute after the last Easter service is over. This creates a challenge for keeping the proverbial offering plate full. Giving slumps at the same time as ministry and mission costs rise. Your need is to...

Every Gift is a Big Deal

Today, in churches around the world, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This day, the week before Easter, is when we focus on Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. On that day, Jesus rode into the city on a donkey that had never had anyone ride it. People came from all over the...

The Seasonal Giving Strategy

The following was originally posted at Does your church have a giving strategy? Most churches don’t, so they struggle to be financially stable. They fall behind early in the year and struggle to get through the summer months. The typical church has more missions and ministry in the summer...

It’s Time to Start Thinking Summer Giving

My job is to keep you focused and out of the ditch. I write each Stewardship Coach column with that in mind. I do for you what no one else does; think, how will that impact giving? I’ve been at this for, well, a long time. So, I’ve learned a...

One Evangelical’s Response to the COVID-19 Vaccine

The following was a blog post I wrote in May of 2021: Trust the science. You hear that a lot today. Typically, it comes from those wanting to silence any questions about COVID-19 in general, masks, and now the vaccine being pushed upon, well, everyone. One group in particular is being...

The Road Back to Normalcy

I will always remember Sunday, March 13th, as the day the offering bucket passed by me for the first time in, well, forever! Since I moved to Oklahoma, I have seen a lot of things in church I have not seen in a long time, like shaking hands and maskless...