Yes, We Do Talk About Money Here!
“All the church ever talks about is money!” Have you ever heard that? If you regularly attend Church, you know that is not true. Yet every week, we focus on the offering. So, we do, at least for a few minutes, talk about money here.
Have you ever wondered what we do with that money? Before we take up the offering, I thought I would share our plans for this summer to help you understand what we do with the money we give you. List your missions and ministry activities for the summer. Here are my suggestions.
- VBS – Every year, we hold Vacation Bible School here. We typically have around 100 kids for a week. Many of these kids don’t come regularly here. Many come from broken homes where they get little to no love. We love them and tell them that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. It costs us money to hold this event. So, yes, we ask you to give to support that!
- Student Camp – Every year, we take our students to camp. At camp, we teach them there is a better way to live their lives than to follow the path of the world. We teach them how to follow Christ in a Christ-less society. Student camp is one tool we use to mold the next generation for Christ. It costs us money to hold this event. So, yes, we ask you to give to support that!
- Mission Trip to ______ – This year we will be sending teams to __________. We will be doing a multitude of things. Share specifics of what your teams will do. It costs money to go there and do what we believe God wants us to do. So, yes, we ask you to give to support that!
We talk about money because we believe in what we are doing, and what we are doing matters! What matters is worth giving to. So, while we don’t pressure anyone to give, we invite you to be a part of what we are doing with your generous gift this morning!
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