Author - Mark Brooks

How Good Vision Trumps Bad Economy

It’s time to play your trump card to recession-proof your offerings. And no, I don’t mean Donald Trump. Those who have played Spades understand what a trump card is and how it can be a game changer. The Free Dictionary defines a trump card as: A designated card in some card...

The Power of a Story

In my over twenty years as a Southern Baptist pastor, few people commented on my sermon points. I think they forgot them before they left the building! But they still remember many of the illustrations and stories I told to this day to buttress my points. That’s the power of...

Summer Is Almost Over, but We Are Not Done

Can you believe that summer is almost over? I know that technically summer does not end until mid-September. Yet, in just a few weeks, schools will be back in session, and for all practical purposes, summer will be over. Have you had a good time this summer? Did anybody go to...

Practical Steps for Recession Proofing Your Offerings

I’m working on several new books, and I’ve been reviewing my past writing and material. I recently came across my posts from March 2020 as the pandemic began to shut down everything, including our churches. In a series of posts, I gave advice on how to survive. The advice I...

Recession Proofing Your Offerings

How will the current economic climate impact your budget for 2023? That is the question I will explore in this edition of the Coach, entitled Recession Proofing Your Offerings. I appropriated the title from my first book seen here on the left. Let’s start by asking, are we headed towards a...

We Want to Say Thank You

Are you having a good summer? Has anyone already been on vacation? How many of you wish you were on vacation? Do you remember when you were a kid and had the whole summer off from school? Now that is a vacation! Alas, we now must work so that our...

The Right Plan of Action

What is your plan? The best message and tools, while essential, are worthless without a plan of action. Let me lay out my overall strategy for plans for special offerings. The following action plan uses Labor Day weekend as the target giving date. However, the principles here can be adapted...

How to Avoid Being a Too Late Church

Are you too late? Waiting too late is perhaps the biggest mistake pastors, and church leaders make when it comes to giving. By the time a pastor gets around to emailing or calling me, they are typically experiencing a huge giving-to-budget gap. At that point, they are being reactionary rather...

What Are You Willing to Give Up?

How many of you have already been on vacation? We love vacations. According to a recent study, we love it so much that we are willing to give up other things we love to make sure our vacation happens. According to a study done by Travelport: 71 percent of respondents would...

Sample Letter to Giving Leaders

The following letter shows how to link vision to giving as well as how to encourage leaders to give more! Dear _____________, I'm Fired Up because we went back on offense in 2022, and your generosity helped make that happen. On behalf of countless lives changed, let me say thank you! Because of...