Author - Mark Brooks

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. Is Online Giving Biblical? That is a great question and the title of our lead post. A member might have told you that online giving wasn’t mentioned in the Bible. If so, this post will be helpful. Our position, which this post shares,...

The 15 Offerings of Summer Playbook Plan

Use the chart to plan out your 15 offerings. The Who, How, What, When, Why column helps you decide the best way to communicate the story you are focusing on. Each offering is about connecting your summer vision to life change! DateFocus of OfferingWho, How, What, When, Why?May 28th  June 4th  June 11th  June...

How to Avoid a Summer Slump in Giving

I’m on vacation! For the next two weeks, I will be visiting my daughter’s family in Germany. Actually, I will be there for only ten days. I will be making a presentation on April 25th to Southern Baptist’s State Convention stewardship leaders. I would appreciate your prayers! To give me a...

The 48-Hour Window

“Research has shown that first-time donors who receive a personal thank-you within 48 hours are four times more likely to give again. Yes, thanking in 48 hours equals a 400 percent improvement in renewal rates.” Tom Ahern, in his book, What Donors Want…and Why. I know you are tired from Easter,...

5 Key Post-Easter Strategies to Keep Your Tank Full

Congratulations. You survived another Easter! Does the picture on the left resemble how you feel right now? I get my pictures through a service, and I typed in “exhausted,” and this picture came up. I immediately thought, “If anyone is reading this on the Monday after Easter, this is probably...

Why Cash Reserves Are Essential for a 21st-Century Church

How much cash does your church have on hand? I remember, as a young pastor right out of seminary, reading about a church that had hundreds of thousands of dollars in reserve. I remember thinking, “in reserve for what?” In my view, if a church had money in the bank,...

It’s Time to Start Thinking About Summer Giving

Easter is less than two weeks away, so it is time to start planning for summer giving. If you are thinking you haven’t even planned for Easter, see my Bonus Section for last-minute advice on your Easter offering. Every year right before Easter, I start turning your attention to your...

Why Not Just Have One Fund?

“I want to try something new.” That was a comment a pastor made to me a few years ago. A competitive firm was pushing a “new” concept called One Fund. Many SBC churches have embraced this concept. Many others, while not fully adopting a one-fund approach, combine all mission gifts....