Missionary Musings

Stewardship Matters

In the mid-’90s, Paul Powell of the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention wrote a book titled Taking the Stew Out of Stewardship. While the book was well circulated, many pastors still find themselves in a “stew” regarding teaching and preaching about stewardship. Perhaps it is the fear of...

Why Pastors Neglect Stewardship

The following is reprinted from The Top Ten Stewardship Mistakes Churches Make authored by Mark Brooks. I sometimes marvel that raising funds to fuel ministry gets so little attention from most pastors in America. In my experience, there are several reasons for this. The following list impacts many pastors, keeping them...

Deferred Maintenance Explained for Facility Stewards

Are you being a good steward of your facility? One of our goals this year with the Stewardship Journal is to provide SBC pastors and church leaders with free advice on how to build, renovate, and care for church facilities. The following post is used with permission and can be...

10 Trends Impacting the Church in 2024

One of our goals with the Stewardship Journal is to provide our readers with a depth of material from outside sources. The following post contains important thoughts about current trends that will impact giving. The post is used by permission and was originally published on LifewayResearch.com: https://research.lifeway.com/2024/01/12/10-trends-impacting-the-church-in-2024/ As church leaders...

Developing a Digital Giving Strategy

The following was originally posted at: https://www.onlinegiving.org/support/developing-a-digital-giving-strategy How churches receive the offering has changed drastically from the days of dropping in coins. As we stated in our last post, the future of giving is digital. This is why you must develop a digital giving strategy. In our last post, we shared...

Previewing the 2024 Stewardship Journal

Why should you read the Stewardship Journal? Because, Southern Baptists, we have a problem. Our denomination is in decline. Consider this: According to Thom Rainer, The Southern Baptist Convention lost 1.32 million members in just three years (2020 to 2022), more than any denomination for such a short period.1. In 2022, it...

The Stewardship Journal Goes National

“The mission of Missouri Baptists to transform lives and communities with the gospel is too important to risk losing any of our churches. As I read and reviewed the current stress on giving, I knew we had to take action and provide our churches with the tools and resources to...

Could Digital Payments Give You a Jolly Holiday?

Digital Payments Have a Jolly Holiday. That was a recent Wall Street Journal headline of an article that tracked Black Friday Cyber Monday sales for 2023. This year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales were flat, rising only 1.1% over last year. However, e-commerce sales were up 8.5%. The real...

Is It Best To Fund Missionaries Independently or Cooperatively?

As Southern Baptists turn their attention to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering, we thought this post by Michael Cabell, Assistant to the Executive Director for Convention Relations for the Kentucky Baptist Convention, summed up well why we cooperate together. The post, used with permission, was first shared at https://michaelcabell.com/2023/11/04/should-we-fund-missionaries-independently-or-cooperatively/ All...