Missionary Musings

An Interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd

One of our goals at the Stewardship Journal is to bring you thoughts and writings from various outside sources. In coming issues, you will find posts from Thom Rainer, Chuck Lawless, and many others. In this edition, our focus has been on pastoral leadership with regard to stewardship. One area...

The Seasonal Giving Strategy

Whether we like it or not, three-day weekends are built into our calendars. This is a major reason why churches must have a seasonal giving strategy. The following post, written primarily about an Easter offering, none the less contains valuable information about seasonal giving strategies including three-day weekends. It is...

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the easiest ways to increase giving over the summer is through an effective online strategy. I use online giving options heavily in my summer plans. Below is a recent post I wrote for my sponsor: https://www.onlinegiving.org/. We are weeks away from summer, which is traditionally one of the...

7 Reasons to Make Summer Giving Plans

As we continue this Journal about summer giving plans, we bring you a previously posted article by Mark Brooks. Originally, it was published before Easter. We have changed the first sentence to reflect that we are now post-Easter. You can find the original post linked at the bottom of the...

5 Reasons Pastors Should Attend Summer Camp

Easter is over, and it's time to think summer, as in summer camp! The Journal will soon turn to summer issues, but we think it is good stewardship for a pastor to attend summer camp. We say the Amen to Kyle Cravens piece below, originally posted in the Baptist Press...

Reengagement With CP Expands Impact, Brings Churches Out of Isolation

Michael Cabell speaks to a group of pastors about the Cooperative Program. Photo courtesy of KBC. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP) — Michael Cabell’s position is heavily tied to helping churches reengage with the Cooperative Program. However, giving through CP isn’t the first thing he preaches to those congregations. “Southern Baptists are a family,...

Can You Predict the Future of Giving?

Rick Blythe, the Director of Stewardship/Prayer Ministry for the Mississippi Baptists, sent me this question last week: “I have a consultation with a church next Monday, and they want me to address ways to estimate church giving for the next year.” I told Rick I would answer his question and...

The Future of Giving is Hybrid

The following post can be found at: https://www.onlinegiving.org/blog. The Hybrid Church is here to stay, and we now know that the future of giving is hybrid. In the future, we can “expect that post-pandemic giving and fundraising will likely remain hybrid, as the adaptation of digital and hybrid giving models...