Missionary Musings

An Exclusive Interview With Ron Sellers On The Generation Gap

The majority of churches in America receive the bulk of their giving from members of the Baby Boomer generation. Every day, 10,000 Boomers turn 65 hastening the day of their retirement. With our largest donor base aging, the question we have been asking at the Journal is, how can we...

If We Are Not Asking Too Often, Why Are We Not Asking?

“All the church ever talks about is money.” We have all heard that, right? As a result, many pastors have feared asking people to give at all for fear of driving people away. But according to a new study, churches are not asking too often. In a new study of...

Leading in Difficult Times

“Has the Pandemic Made Your Pastor Want to Quit? Probably,” was a recent headline at Christianity Today’s blog site. 1 No doubt you too have seen similar headlines. For the last two years, Pastors have been plunged into a multitude of decisions creating stress and burnout. Without question, we are...

Let’s Change the Conversation About Money and Giving

A few years ago, I asked a pastor what my biggest obstacle was in helping him increase giving at his church. He replied, “My staff.” I thought he was kidding until I held my first meeting with his staff. I walked into the room to bored looks, and everyone had...

The 2022 State of Giving

64% of churches are optimistic about total cash gifts to their churches going into 2022, according to a study done by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).1. That is a 3% increase from their outlook going into 2021. “Despite incredible challenges through an environment with much adversity, 2021 has...