From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal.
How is your Annie Armstrong going? Most of our churches are in the final days of promoting the offering. I often found that the best time to review what worked and what didn’t was immediately after the event. In our lead post, we interview Pastor Dennis Gard of Central Eureka in a post entitled How to Make the Annie Armstrong Offering Fresh and Personal. Pastor Dennis shares great ideas on how he has personalized the story for mission offerings for his congregation. While it might be too late to impact this year’s Annie Armstrong offering, this idea can help improve future mission offerings.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, is on vacation for the next couple of weeks. But there is no letdown in stewardship wisdom as Mark has handed the baton over to his fellow SWBTS classmate, Dr. Ronnie Floyd. Mark asked Dr. Floyd’s permission to use a section from his book Ten Percent: A Call to Biblical Stewardship. It’s called “How to Avoid a Summer Slump in Giving.” It’s an incredibly helpful article on how to use each Sunday of the summer to motivate giving.
This week’s Bonus Section,entitled The 15 Offerings of Summer Playbook Plan,is Mark’s chart that can be printed off for planning each summer offering. As a recipient of the Stewardship Journal, you have access to already written offering talks for each of the 15 offerings of summer. Look for how to access this at the end of Mark’s Stewardship Coach column.
Let’s start working on avoiding any summer slump in giving so that we can keep,
Advancing the Gospel!

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