Daily Archives - April 13, 2023

The 15 Offerings of Summer Playbook Plan

Use the chart to plan out your 15 offerings. The Who, How, What, When, Why column helps you decide the best way to communicate the story you are focusing on. Each offering is about connecting your summer vision to life change! DateFocus of OfferingWho, How, What, When, Why?May 28th  June 4th  June 11th  June...

How to Avoid a Summer Slump in Giving

I’m on vacation! For the next two weeks, I will be visiting my daughter’s family in Germany. Actually, I will be there for only ten days. I will be making a presentation on April 25th to Southern Baptist’s State Convention stewardship leaders. I would appreciate your prayers! To give me a...

How to Make the Annie Armstrong Offering Fresh and Personal

Most pastors will tell you that they often struggle to make annual events fresh and engaging for their members. After you have been in the ministry for long, the struggle becomes, what more can you say that you haven’t said already? How can you make essentially the same story fresh...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. How is your Annie Armstrong going? Most of our churches are in the final days of promoting the offering. I often found that the best time to review what worked and what didn’t was immediately after the event. In our lead post, we...