From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another Stewardship Journal!
Have you started passing the offering plate? In our March 28th edition, our focus was on returning back to normal. There has been a lot written about the long-term impacts of Covid on not only attendance but in how we do church. We thought it would be good to run another article asking Missouri Baptist pastors what their view is and what their churches are doing about opening back up. That is the topic of our lead post, entitled Missouri Baptist Pastors Speak Up About Opening Up. You might not agree with the reasoning, but I do believe you will find their comments interesting.
Then here is a preview of the rest of the Stewardship Journal.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, continues his series on summer giving planning with a post entitled How to Motivate People to Generously Support Your Summer Mission. Mark’s series on summer planning will assure that you will be fully funded this summer to do all that God is laying upon your heart. It’s time to get started planning for the summer!
This week’s Bonus Section isentitled 15 Offerings of Summer Worksheet. This practical worksheet will help you plan out each offering moment of the summer which will in turn increase your giving.
Easter is this week’s Mission and Ministry focus entitled Christ Is Risen! One way to not turn off guests visiting your services this week is to set a positive message for your offering time. This talk will help you craft a meaningful time for your offering.
We need your input! We are looking to expand our list of pastors who participate in our Missouri Baptist Speak Up list. Reach out to Rob Phillips at if you would like to be included in this informal group of giving thinkers. Your views and opinions are valuable to us and your fellow pastors.
Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Advancing the Gospel!

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