Daily Archives - April 7, 2022

Christ Is Risen!

Have you ever thought about what life would be like if Christ had not risen from the grave? Without the Resurrection, we would not have a viable faith. If Christ did not rise from the grave, what hope do we have? Why are you here if the Resurrection is some...

15 Offerings of Summer Worksheet

Use the chart to plan out your 15 offerings. The Who, How, What, When, Why column helps you decide the best way to communicate the story you are focusing on. Each offering is about connecting your summer vision to life change! 15 Sundays/15 Offerings DateFocus of OfferingWho, How, What, When, Why?May 29th  June...

How to Motivate People to Generously Support Your Summer Mission

Right after Easter, you have a crisis heading your way. The summer slump begins one minute after the last Easter service is over. This creates a challenge for keeping the proverbial offering plate full. Giving slumps at the same time as ministry and mission costs rise. Your need is to...

Missouri Baptist Pastors Speak Up About Opening Up

The March 28th edition of the Stewardship Journal focused on the churches opening back up and returning to many pre-Covid traditions, such as passing an offering plate or passing out the Lord’s Supper. The Sr. Pastor of 1st DeSoto, Brad Delaughter, wrote about their plans to return to normal. Mark...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another Stewardship Journal! Have you started passing the offering plate? In our March 28th edition, our focus was on returning back to normal. There has been a lot written about the long-term impacts of Covid on not only attendance but in how we do church. We thought it would...