From the Desk of Our Executive Director

From The Stewardship Journal Team

“It ain’t over until it’s over!” Remember those famous words? That phrase comes in handy when it comes to raising capital dollars, as we will explain with this edition of the Stewardship Journal as we continue our series on capital campaigns, Giving Away the Farm. Our goal is to help...

From My Desk to Yours

“It ain’t over until it’s over!” Remember those famous words? That phrase comes in handy when it comes to raising capital dollars, as we will explain with this edition of the Stewardship Journal as we continue our series on capital campaigns, Giving Away the Farm. Our goal is to help...

From The Stewardship Journal Team

Welcome to another Stewardship Journal. Imagine the power of never having to rely on a capital campaign consultant again. Is it worth your time to delve into this edition of the Journal? Our current series, Giving Away the Farm, is a treasure trove of insights that can empower you to...