From The Stewardship Journal Team
“It ain’t over until it’s over!” Remember those famous words? That phrase comes in handy when it comes to raising capital dollars, as we will explain with this edition of the Stewardship Journal as we continue our series on capital campaigns, Giving Away the Farm. Our goal is to help you hold a capital campaign all on your own. So, let’s get to this week’s Journal.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, starts us off with a post entitled Cards Are Cool, But Cash Builds Buildings. Mark sums up the direction of his post by saying, “Having a stack of pledge cards the day after your campaign commitment is a good start, but what really matters is turning those pledges into tangible donations to fuel your ministry dreams.” As always, he shows us how.
Mark’s Bonus Section follows up on this theme with The Coach’s Quick-Step Follow-Up Plan. Mark gives a step-by-step overview of what a church must do in the first thirty to sixty days after commitments come in. Following this plan will ensure a better end result two to three years later.
Finally, Dr. Bruce McCoy, Associate VP of Institutional Advancement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, shares a post entitled Eagle Saints that will help with long-term follow-up plans and estate planning. Dr. McCoy will show you how Eagle Saints can help fuel your missions and ministry in the years to come.
Using these tools, you can hold your capital campaign and see a successful follow-up period. The time to build, renovate, and repurpose is now. The Journal will help you raise the funds you need to fuel more missions and ministry.
Please note that the Stewardship Journal will not be sent out next week due to Labor Day. We will be back on September 9th!