Author - Mark Brooks

Building a Culture of Gratitude

To build and sustain a culture of generosity, you must create and sustain a culture of gratitude. In this issue of the Coach, entitled Building a Culture of Gratitude, I will show you the importance of gratitude and give you practical tips on how you can express your gratitude. The...

The Theology of Gratitude

The theology of gratitude? Is that a real theological principle, I questioned. So, when in doubt, Google it! I found a multitude of articles and posts talking about the theology of gratitude. Who knew? Whether you believe in calling it theology or not, we all agree that gratitude is pretty cool....

Your Security Begins With Your Generosity

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I’ve written hundreds of talks for the offering time, and I do this to help you elevate the offering time. To simplify and better meet your needs, starting in March, I will be moving away from posting weekly talks to the Stewardship Coach/Stewardship Journal newsletter. Instead, I will...

How Digital Giving Opens Doors

The following post appears at According to a new study, Meet the Digital Donor, produced by the Barna Group, a digital pastor thinks strategically about how digital giving opens doors. They found that 68% of pastors strongly agree that it’s important to offer opportunities for digital giving, and 57%...

The Keys to An Effective Easter Offering

Easter is seven Sundays away. Are you ready for the offering? Let’s get you and your team started planning how you can have an effective Easter offering. I will get you started in this edition of the Coach entitled The Keys to An Effective Easter Offering. I know how impactful...

The SBC’s Ticking Time Bomb

Southern Baptist churches are heading into a crisis that will determine which local churches will survive and which will slowly die. The chart on the left identifies the ticking time bomb about to explode throughout the Convention. Can you see the problem? Can you do the math? 84% vs. 16%! 84%...

We are the Winning Team

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I’ve written hundreds of talks for the offering time. I do this to help you elevate the offering time. To simplify and better meet your needs, starting in March, I will be moving away from posting weekly talks to the Stewardship Coach/Stewardship Journal newsletter and will instead provide...

Correcting Easter Offering Mistakes

How do you correct these mistakes? Here are some thoughts on how to correct the above mistakes. Don’t make the offering time about you! Too often, we make any appeal to give about hitting some budget number that few, if any, understand or care about. If your goal is to make...

The Easter Offering Pushback

How you approach the Easter offering speaks volumes. Most pastors think I am nuts for even mentioning an offering on Easter, as the offering is the furthest thing from their minds. Then June rolls around, and their Treasurer tells them there is not enough money in the bank to do...

The Pro-Digital Pastor

The what? I confess that until last week I had never thought about that or even heard that phrase used. What is a pro-digital pastor? According to a new study, Meet the Digital Donor, produced by the Barna Group, a digital pastor is one who is thinking strategically about how...