Author - Mark Brooks

The 2023 Coach’s Annual Review of “The State of Church Giving”

“The critical question before the church might well be stated: Do Christians want to accept the death of the institutional church in the U.S., or get to work?” That is a quote from the recently released report from empty tomb, inc.’s thirty-second edition of “The State of Church Giving through...

10 Key Tips for Improving Your Emails

Here are 10 Key Tips for Improving Your Emails. Have an interesting subject line. If they don’t open it, your message is lost. So, create interest in your subject line that will make them want to open the email and read it. The more effective the subject line, the better the...

Making Your Appeals Appealing

If you weren’t the pastor, would you read your emails and letters? If you, a person highly invested in your church's vision, are not moved by your appeals, how do you think that same appeal will appeal to your rank-and-file members? If your appeals are not appealing, you will never...

The Importance of Knowing Your Giving Metrics

The following was published at Here is a question we ask every church leader. “How is giving at your church?” We follow that up by asking, “Is giving growing not only by amount but by the number of people giving?” Then we ask, “Do you have many new givers,...

9 Questions to Evaluate Your Church’s Giving Health

33 Questions to Evaluate Your Church’s Health. That was the subject line of a recent email I received from Baptist Press. It’s an interesting read and provides a helpful analysis of the spiritual condition of a church. What I found amazing was that there was nothing said about stewardship. Few,...

The Strength of the SBC Lies in the Local Church

“What will you do if your side loses?” That was a question a reporter asked me at a Southern Baptist Convention in the late-1980s as I was getting into an elevator at the Convention headquarters hotel. Waiting in line for the elevator, we started a conversation that continued until he...

Your Last-Minute Summer Planning Sheet

Are you ready to head off the summer slump in giving? If I were a pastor heading into summer, here is what I would be asking myself, my staff, or my team. How is giving doing as we move into summer? Are we ahead or behind budget? How does current giving...

Making the Case for Pastors Knowing Giving Trends

Should pastors of the church know how much each family/individual tithes? That was a question @AdamPage85 asked on Twitter the other day. This unofficial poll had 1,183 votes when I weighed in with my answer. 90.2% said no, with only 9.8% saying yes. I was one of that 9.8%. I’m going...

Using VBS as a Tool for Increasing Giving

Where do Americans learn the value of charitable giving? John and Sylvia Ronsvalle of empty tomb, inc. state that “religion serves as the seedbed of philanthropic giving in America.” They point out in their studies that 90% of religious giving in America is done through a local church. Today, fewer...

What’s Your 50%, and What is Your Split?

Show me your fifty percent line and your over/under split, and I’ll reveal to you your future. The most pivotal question is, what will you do about it? Because, ready or not, the problem of declining giving is already impacting you, and it will not get any better, and if...