Author - Mark Brooks

The Three-Day Weekend Edition

Pastoring a church miles from Razorback Stadium, where the University of Arkansas Razorbacks play football, made me aware of the need to pay attention to the calendar when it came to planning. When I started in the stewardship ministry, I quickly learned that even giving initiatives must pay attention to...

A May Strategy for Summer Giving

May is your month to help you get ahead of the curve of summer giving’s challenges. The following post I wrote for my sponsor,, illustrates the best way to avoid the slump three-day weekends give churches. For every church in America, summer presents both opportunities and challenges. The opportunities...

The Seasonal Giving Strategy

Whether we like it or not, three-day weekends are built into our calendars. This is a major reason why churches must have a seasonal giving strategy. The following post, written primarily about an Easter offering, none the less contains valuable information about seasonal giving strategies including three-day weekends. It is...

From the Stewardship Journal Team

Do you have your summer giving plan in place? In this edition of the Stewardship Journal, we will help you put together a plan to make this summer’s giving the best you have ever had. This will allow you to do all the missions and ministries God has put in...

Why You Need a Summer Giving Plan

“Did you or anyone on your staff think of that?” That was my reply to an Executive Pastor of one of the largest churches in America after I had laid out a plan for summer giving. His comment was, “This isn’t hard at all.” His comment was meant as a...

Putting the Tools Together For Your Best Summer Giving Ever

Your vision is the driver, but the best driver in the world is worthless without effective vehicles to drive the vision to those you want to impact. This section of the playbook will share the essential tools to effectively launch your summer giving strategy. In the 21st century, we must use...

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the easiest ways to increase giving over the summer is through an effective online strategy. I use online giving options heavily in my summer plans. Below is a recent post I wrote for my sponsor: We are weeks away from summer, which is traditionally one of the...

From the Stewardship Journal Team

We just made it past Easter, which means it is time to think about heading off the traditional summer decline in giving, and the Stewardship Journal has you covered! This week’s issue focuses on the importance of planning out a successful summer giving campaign. Here is a preview of our...

Navigating the Annual Great Decline

Get ready for The Annual Great Decline. You are probably still basking in the glow of Easter, a packed house filled with promise and potential. Then, this past Sunday brought you back to reality. The typical church will not see any better attendance and engagement until sometime next fall. I...

The 15 Offerings of Summer Playbook Plan

Use the chart to plan out your 15 offerings. The Who, How, What, When, Why column helps you decide the best way to communicate the story you are focusing on. Each offering is about connecting your summer vision to life change! DateFocus of OfferingWho, How, What, When, Why?May 26th  June 2nd  June 9th  June...