Monthly Archives - November 2022

Listing Our Blessings

Can you believe that we are now into November? Where did this year go? Am I the only one who feels like it was just summer, and now here we are thinking turkey and Christmas shopping? Time really does fly. Can I ask you a personal question? How has your year...

Why Pastors Fear Talking Too Much About Money

Why are so many pastors reticent to preach or teach stewardship? Here is my list of reasons: Many pastors are uncomfortable with anything money related. Too many, I fear, misinterpret the Scriptures, and think that money is evil. The Bible says, "The love of money is evil." It does not say...

Are You Your Biggest Enemy?

We have met the enemy, and he is us. That quote was first used in 1970 by cartoonist Walt Kelly for a cartoon he created for the first Earth Day celebration. His point was that man’s treatment of the earth is the real enemy of the planet.1. In my line...

Bringing Lottie Moon to Life

Churches start something a certain way and then do it that way forever. It’s the old, we’ve always done it that way before syndrome. In this fast-paced society we live in, If you keep doing the same thing you have always done, you will not get what you always got. The above...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another issue of the Stewardship Journal. It’s hard to believe that we are already into November. Our last few editions have focused on the importance of end-of-year planning. Ready or not, the end of the year is two months away. We want to help you have the best...