Monthly Archives - August 2022

What You Do Matters

Labor Day is upon us! If you are like me, you are wondering where summer went. Labor Day is the traditional end of summer weekend. It is officially the day we celebrate the contributions workers have made to our country's strength, prosperity, and well-being. Our nation’s way of saying, “Thank...

Practical Steps for Gaining and Keeping Your Best Donors

It’s not enough to simply know your giving landscape. Why? Because knowledge without action is worthless. The following are some key ideas on how you can gain and keep donors. Implement a front-end back-end strategy. A front-end strategy works to attract new donors AND to see younger donors become consistent givers....

How to Access Your Church’s Giving Landscape

Do you know the state of generosity at your church? In my last edition, I gave you the findings of a new Barna study, The Giving Landscape: Who Drives Generosity and Why. I ended by saying, “Knowing national giving trends is helpful. It gives you insight into what possible barriers...

Neil Franks – Driving Through Missouri

As I travel the back roads of Missouri, this time of year always catches my attention. After watching the barren fields of the winter give way to the fledgling seedlings grow into tall stalks of deep green, I now see the browning tassels of corn waving in the late summer...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. This will be our final Journal of the summer. Next week, Labor Day, we will not publish the Journal. Here is a preview of this week’s Stewardship Journal. We begin this edition with a lead post by our own Dr. Neil Franks, President and...

Let’s Finish Strong

Are you ready for some football? Say goodbye to your husbands, wives; football season has arrived! Have you ever watched a football game and seen players raise four fingers in the air at the start of the 4th quarter? The players are reminding themselves that they have one last quarter to...

How to Use Labor Day Weekend to Increase Giving

Are you running behind budget? I have had great success using come-from-behind strategies that use Labor Day to bring additional dollars to the plate. The following is taken from my seasonal playbook, Recovering Your Lost Offerings. Here is a brief plan of action for a Labor Day offering: Finalize the offering...

The Coach’s Review of the Latest Barna Research on the Giving Landscape

“Leaders must ask themselves: How can generosity be taught?”1. That is a quote from Barna’s new study on the state of giving, entitled The Giving Landscape: Who Drives Generosity – And Why. I will review their findings in this edition of the Coach, entitled The Coach’s Review of the Latest...

How to Use Labor Day to Make Up Lost Ground

I want to share with you how a Labor Day offering plan can help close your giving gap. First, you might be surprised that I would contend you could see an increase in giving on Labor Day. Three-day weekends are typically tough on offerings. Yet, with a good plan of...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

How is your giving going as you head into the end of summer? If you are like most churches, giving has been a challenge this summer. For those of you running on the traditional SBC calendar, you only have a few weeks left in your budget. Every church needs to...