Daily Archives - March 3, 2022

How to Become a Saint!

Do we have any Irish here? How about online? This week is St. Patrick’s Day. Have you ever wondered who was Patrick and what did he do to become a saint? According to The History Channel, Patrick came from wealth. Early in his life, he was kidnapped by Irish Raiders and...

The Why Vision Worksheet

I produced a playbook called The Successful Easter Giving Plan. You can find out how to get a copy at https://acts17generosity.com/store/. Here is my Vision Worksheet from the current edition. After deciding what the focus of your Resurrection Offering will be, use the following points as a guide for developing the...

Making the Case for Easter Offering Planning

Easter is six weeks away, and I have about six seconds to keep your attention. So, how about this? Reading this Coach will help you raise your largest Easter offering ever and add new donors. Need more convincing? Here is what one pastor emailed me after using my Easter giving playbook: “We followed...

Let’s Make Your Easter Offering Special

It’s time to start thinking about Easter, the Easter offering that is. We are starting a mini-series focusing on the Easter offering. In this first Journal of the series, we want to make our case for thinking, planning, and praying for Easter on April 17th. Covid taught us that the...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another Stewardship Journal! Few, if any, pastors think six weeks ahead about the Easter offering. Yet, that is exactly what we want you to do with this week’s edition of the Stewardship Journal. Let’s Make Your Easter Offering Special is our lead post and you could also say that...