What Are You Willing to Give Up?

What Are You Willing to Give Up?

How many of you have already been on vacation? We love vacations. According to a recent study, we love it so much that we are willing to give up other things we love to make sure our vacation happens. According to a study done by Travelport:

  • 71 percent of respondents would forgo concerts,
  • 64 percent would stop buying clothes,
  • 63 percent would give up spa treatments,
  • 60 percent would forego going to the movie theatre,
  • 53 percent would give up playing sports and
  • 36 percent would stop dining at restaurants.1.

After two-plus years of being couped up, Americans are investing in their vacations this year, even if it means giving up something they love! This leads me to wonder, would we be willing to give up anything so that we could give generously to support the life-changing work we do here?

Don’t get me wrong, I love vacation time, and I want you to have a great time on your vacation, though I would advise you not to go into debt. I want to encourage you today to make a greater investment in helping us shape the next generation’s lives here at our church. When you give here at our church, you are investing in the lives of children and students. Did you realize this summer we will impact…

  • State how many attended or will attend Vacation Bible School.
  • State how many attended any summer camps for youth and students you held.
  • List those you impacted in various mission trips, etc.

The impact you have made due to your generosity can’t be measured in earthly dollars. When you give here, you make a difference now and for eternity. That is a great investment!

We have many ways to give here. Find the way that is most convenient for you. The MOST convenient way is by setting up recurring giving through our website.

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/travel-2022-trends-american-express-travel-post-what-traveller-will-give-up-for-vacation-152324282.html

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