The Coach’s Quick-Step Follow-Up Plan

The Coach’s Quick-Step Follow-Up Plan

One important thing for churches to understand is that when the commitments are in, the campaign is not over. One phase is completed, and now you are in another. I believe the first 30 to 60 days after the Commitment Weekend are crucial. So, let me outline what I recommend for immediate next steps after Commitment Sunday. We must begin thinking weeks before we are through the pledging process.

Immediate Next Steps After Commitment Sunday

Remember, the campaign is not over! It has just started. The weeks after Commitment Sunday are the crucial last attempt to build upon what has been committed to that point. To that end, we recommend…

Platform Communication–The Weekend/Sunday following your commitment time, I would mention the campaign for only two to three minutes. I would tell them that you are off to a great start but that we still need further pledges and that you will announce the results next Weekend/Sunday. I would encourage you to have commitment cards in the chairs or racks where you keep envelopes. Make it easy for people to turn in their card and they are more likely to do so. I would also encourage screenshots and short thirty-second reminders about the campaign for the next couple of weeks after First Fruit Sunday.

Direct Appeal Communication—I have found that immediate communication right after the commitment day can help add additional commitments and gifts. I recommend a series of at least three direct appeals to be sent either by letter or email.

Pastor Opportunity Letter/Email—This is to be sent out to all those who did not sign a commitment card. It should contain a commitment card in the mailing with a return envelope. This is the last major push to get people to make a commitment. It should go out as soon as possible after Commitment Sunday!

First Fruit Offering Letter/Email—This communication goes out to all those who made a commitment. Our goal is to get them out of the starting blocks by giving them something, even if it is only $1. I encourage pastors to announce the special First Fruit Offering right after the commitments are all gathered on Commitment Sunday. Pastors often challenge the church to hold the largest single offering in its history. This should go out as soon as possible after Commitment Sunday!

Confirmation Letter/Email—This should come from the Financial Office. It confirms what you have recorded for each person’s commitment. Often, what people put down on their cards is confusing. This allows you to confirm the amount. It is also a nice way to remind them of their pledge. This communication can go out at any time, but hopefully within a month of the commitment weekend.

Social Media Communication—I love to use social media to show and tell the power of a capital campaign. It’s a great way to keep people up-to-date on any progress on the project, which helps motivate giving. It’s easy to thank people for their commitments and gifts to the campaign by showing them the impact of their gifts.

The above is designed for the first few weeks of your giving period. But don’t stop casting vision after that. Find ways to keep the vision in front of your members and you will find your campaign is more successful. As a famous guy once said, “It ain’t over until it’s over!”

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