Tag - general

The Why Vision Worksheet

I produced a playbook called Say Yes to Easter Giving. You can find out how to get a copy at https://acts17generosity.com/store/. Here is my Vision Worksheet from the current edition. After deciding what the focus of your Resurrection Offering will be, use the following points as a guide for developing...

The Importance of Preaching on Stewardship

A study was done in the mid-'90s where only 32% of American church members reported that they had heard a sermon on the relationship between faith and personal finances in the previous year. If it was 32% in the '90s, what do you think that percentage is today? That study...

Six Thoughts on How to Preach on Giving

Let's talk about some simple steps about how to preach on giving. Here are six guiding thoughts. A series on giving is better than one sermon on giving. George Barna stated years ago, "A series on giving is nearly two and a half times more likely to experience an increase in...

Stewardship Matters

In the mid-’90s, Paul Powell of the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention wrote a book titled Taking the Stew Out of Stewardship. While the book was well circulated, many pastors still find themselves in a “stew” regarding teaching and preaching about stewardship. Perhaps it is the fear of...

How to Develop a Pastoral Lane

I wanted to give you some idea starters and a great story to inspire you. Let's start with … Practical Ideas for a Senior Pastor Commit 5% to 10% of your time educating yourself, building out, and working on a stewardship plan. If that sounds daunting, start with thirty minutes a week,...

The Importance of the Pastoral Lane

The Senior Pastor is my biggest challenge in helping churches build a culture of generosity. In my last post, I wrote about how I think in lanes when it comes to creating a culture of generosity based upon biblical stewardship. In this edition, I start breaking down each lane, starting...

Why Pastors Neglect Stewardship

The following is reprinted from The Top Ten Stewardship Mistakes Churches Make authored by Mark Brooks. I sometimes marvel that raising funds to fuel ministry gets so little attention from most pastors in America. In my experience, there are several reasons for this. The following list impacts many pastors, keeping them...

The Key Lanes for Building a Culture of Generosity

If you ever played football, you probably had a coach yell at you at one point or another, “Stay in your lane!” Football players are taught to guard and protect their assigned lanes from blocking schemes to kick-off coverage. The theory is that the play will succeed if everyone stays...

Systems Tell Your Story

The following is reprinted and was originally posted at https://www.onlinegiving.org/support/systems-to-tell-your-story. “To effectively communicate your message, you’ll need to stop building your strategy exclusively around physical attendance.” Why? As my friend, Dave Anderson, says, “Church attendance is not decreasing. It’s decentralizing.” 1. In early 2019, Phil Bowdle wrote that in a book...