Summer Is Almost Over, but We Are Not Done

Summer Is Almost Over, but We Are Not Done

Can you believe that summer is almost over? I know that technically summer does not end until mid-September. Yet, in just a few weeks, schools will be back in session, and for all practical purposes, summer will be over.

Have you had a good time this summer? Did anybody go to the beach? How about the lake? Did anyone just take some time off and do nothing? You know, sometimes nothing is good. You just need some downtime—time off from the hustle and bustle of life and its demands.

Sometimes when we go on vacation, we need a vacation from our vacation! That is why a lot of people are now taking staycations. People who do this might do some activities nearby, but they stay at home and sleep in their beds. Did any of you take a staycation?

Whether you stayed at home or went away, our vacation time is almost done. At Your Church Name, we are far from done! We have the following key events coming up…

List whatever activities you have coming up.

Every time you give here, you help fund these vital ministries! We depend upon your faithful giving to do everything we do, including keeping the building cool! As you might imagine, our giving is greatly challenged with many people going during the summer months. Would you consider making that up this morning if you missed an offering this summer? Your gift today will help us reach more people with the Good News!

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