Stewardship Journal

How to Give More Without Giving More

I wanted to share with you practical advice on how to start your giving New Year out well. Here is a post I wrote for You can see the link where it is now, posted after the article. This will show you how AI reworked what I submitted....

A Special Announcement

The last Stewardship Journal will be published on December 2nd! It will contain key information about how to close our current giving year strong and help you lay the groundwork for a positive first quarter in the New Year. With a good plan of action, your church can increase its...

Key Pointers for Expressing Gratitude

“I never, in a million years, would have ever expected a hand-written, personalized thank you note from the pastor.” Have you ever had anyone thank you for thanking them for giving? If not, it's probably because you have never thought about, nor implemented, a process of thanking donors. For years,...

Because of Your Generosity

I wrote the following post for my sponsor,, in 2019. We find that 80% of our receipt emails after a donation are opened and read. As a result, we encourage our partners to utilize receipts as a thank you, pointing out the value of the donor's gift. The...

Planning for the Future

As I wind down my newsletters, I plan on bringing back some of what I consider my key articles. Build, renovate, or repurpose the facilities you need and pay off any debt quickly. That has been my advice for the last few years. I thought about that last Sunday night as...

Being Prepared for Future Surprises

As we near the end of the year and the start of the New Year, I will be sharing with you posts about how to end well and start well. Here is a post I wrote last year that contains four timeless stewardship plans. “Almost all on Wall Street and in...

Are You Prepared for the Two-Minute Warning?

Let’s get ready for end-of-year giving! The next few weeks the Journal will contain portions of my playbook, The Two Minute Drill for Giving: How to Build an Effective End-of-Year Strategy. Are you prepared for the two-minute warning when it comes to increasing your giving? If you are a football fan,...

The Basic Steps for Effective Appeals

I recommend multiple end-of-year appeals be sent across all your platforms. Here is a post about how to best position your appeals for maximum effectiveness. The 21st-century offering must be 24/7. To be effective, your offering plate must never be closed. An effective end-of-year strategy must include direct appeals, snail-mail, email,...

How to Engage Young Donors

How do we engage younger people, with Baby Boomers aging out as our primary donors? I wrote a post for my sponsor,, that shares creative ways to accomplish this. Recent reports on the state of giving in America have revealed that engaging younger generations to become motivated to give generously...

Turn First-Time Givers Into Lifelong Givers

With summer over and the Holiday season ahead, your church will be seeing new faces and faces you haven’t seen in a while. How can you motivate them to give and then give continually? This post shares the importance of a plan of action and ideas on how to implement...