Six Key Points on Vision Crafting Your Church Budget

Six Key Points on Vision Crafting Your Church Budget

How do you avoid an emotionless presentation? You make your appeal appealing! Not everyone in your church has reached their fullest giving potential. Those new to the faith or new to your church need inspirational education about where the money you are asking for actually goes. Our challenge is to explain something that seems so mundane, your church’s operating budget, as imperative for advancing your vision.

We advise clients to use multiple platforms upon which to communicate the why behind giving. The picture above is from my long-time client, Christ Church, outside Saint Louis MO. At the time they posted this, they had recently left their denomination, forming a new church which is why you see their membership numbers. Notice, however, the focus on baptisms. While focusing on giving, this chart keeps a focus on a core value of Christ Church, connecting people to Jesus.

What could you create to show the story of giving at your church? Here are six helpful points on how to craft the vision behind your budget.

  1. Don’t make it about you. People are not excited about paying salaries and light bills. They do get excited seeing how their giving impacts the world. As you communicate your budget, make sure your focus is outward rather than inward-focused.
  2. Be positive, not negative. You are changing the world one life at a time. Our story should be one of joy and victory, not gloom and despair. Put a positive spin on your church budget.
  3. It’s not about budget but changed lives. Don’t focus on dollars; focus on people.
  4. Make the appeal about missions and ministry. Show your members the worldwide impact their giving accomplishes, and they will be more apt to willingly give.
  5. Focus on what you have done and will do. Blow your horn, in Jesus’ name, celebrating the previous year’s successes due to your members’ generosity. Show them what their continued generosity will accomplish in the coming year.
  6. Personalize the message. Show members the personal value of the gifts.

Spend time thinking through your budget and how to communicate the vision that is driving those numbers. When you make it about people rather than numbers, your chances of hitting your numbers are much greater!

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