Missionary Musings

What Motivates Christians to Give?

What motivates Christians to give? That was the headline of an email I received from the Barna Group a few years ago. They had done a survey to find out what motivated Christians to give. So, what did they find that motivated Christians to give? The Barna report says, “For Christians,...

Tech to Propel Your Capital Campaign

I’m writing a book on how to hold a Do-It-Yourself capital campaign. As a result, I have been researching all my past writing on the subject. I came across an out-of-print post I wrote ten years ago, entitled How to Use Technology for a Capital Campaign. In 2014, online giving...

Half Time for Giving

The following is posted at https://www.onlinegiving.org/blog and is used with permission. We're now halfway through the year, and it's time to assess the state of giving in your church. Are you meeting your budgeted needs, or are you falling behind? Based on my experience, most churches are struggling to meet...

A Question of Timing

About this time every year, churches call and ask, "Is it too late to start a capital stewardship campaign?" The answer is, it depends! We joke that most of our answers are, it depends! That is because there are so many variables that go into campaign planning. As I write...

Before You Can Start, You Have to Get It Out of Committee!

Don’t let a committee kill your dream of expanding your ministry! I cannot tell you the number of times I have talked to a pastor with a dream of expanding his ministry, only to have a committee kill that dream with questions, hesitations, and roadblocks. Committees are designed to enhance...

Navigating Through Icebergs

An Open Letter to SBC Leadership In the fall of 2019, I began discussions with leaders of the Executive Committee about building a stewardship platform for SBC churches. Then Covid hit, and then controversy came, followed by resignations, and all that talk was shelved. Last April, I was invited to speak...

An Easy Formula to Evaluate Your Church’s Growth (or Decline)

Is your church growing or declining? How would you know? We found a great article posted on the BP Toolbox site by Thom Rainer. We subscribe to the theory that if Rainer writes it, we need to read it. The following post, reposted here with permission, gives us a great...

What Happens When We Blame Others for Ministry Difficulties

Chuck Lawless, in a recent post on BP Toolbox, brought up the topic of blaming others for ministry difficulties. It is our experience, and studies show this, that the Senior Pastor must be highly engaged and involved in building a culture of generosity. So, pastor, the path to financial security...

An Interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd

One of our goals at the Stewardship Journal is to bring you thoughts and writings from various outside sources. In coming issues, you will find posts from Thom Rainer, Chuck Lawless, and many others. In this edition, our focus has been on pastoral leadership with regard to stewardship. One area...