How to Make May Recurring Giving Sign-Up Month!

How to Make May Recurring Giving Sign-Up Month!

Do you have your summer giving plan in place? Here are two examples of how you can increase the percentage of giving coming automatically to your church this summer. First, consider a direct mail send to your top giving leaders. Here is a sample.

Dear _____________,

We are set to have the most amazing summer in missions and ministry in our history! Scores of lives will be changed, and you are the reason!

This year already, because of your faithful generosity, we have been able to: (Insert your examples)

Thank you, NAME Church, for helping make all of the above, and MUCH more, possible!

We have an exciting summer of missions and ministry ahead! Consider these challenges of need: (Insert your own needs)

These challenges are an opportunity for our Church to step up and continue being the hands and feet of Jesus!

I wanted to alert you that we will be starting a countdown of the 15 Offerings of Summer. We have a $XXX, XXX goal to fund all our summer work. That comes out to $XX, XXX a week. Each week we will highlight how generosity fuels our mission and ministry throughout the summer. Our goal is to keep everyone motivated to be generous. Through all of our platforms, from social media to the platform in the worship center, you will see and hear a positive message connecting the 15 Offerings of Summer to the mission we believe God has called us to.

Recurring giving is one key way we are working to fully fund this summer. If you have not already, please take the time to sign up for automated giving at our giving page

Let’s pray that the 15 Offerings of the 2023 summer will be the best to the glory of God!


Pastor Mark

P.S.  The enclosed envelope is one of many ways by which you can give. Save this for when you are on vacation!

Don’t forget to use your offering time to focus on recurring giving. Here is a sample talk.

Did You Ever Forget? – Here is the May 21st suggested offering talk focusing on recurring giving.

Is anyone here honest enough to admit they sometimes forget about their offering? You thought about giving. You wanted to give. It’s just that something else came up, distracted you, you went on vacation, and before you know it, you forgot. Most of us can identify with that scenario.

We have a solution – Set up your giving to be recurring! With recurring giving, your offering always appears in the “offering plate,” whether here or at the lake, beach, or mountains. You’ll never forget the offering again and, most importantly, you will help fund all the life-changing work our church is doing. We could not do what we do without your faithful generosity.

Setting up recurring giving is easy to do. (List the various ways, then point them to your website’s portal URL. If you use screens, have that address up and in any print material you provide.) We invite everyone to worship with us through giving and thank you for supporting our work. We provide multiple ways to give here. Find the way that is the best fit for you.

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