From the Stewardship Journal Team
Mark Brooks,’ The Stewardship Coach, column begins a series of posts around this topic. Here is a quote from Mark’s column, “When it comes to creating a culture of generosity based upon biblical stewardship, I think in lanes. In this edition of the Coach, I want to share with you The Key Lanes for Building a Culture of Generosity. I want to give you an overview of the various “lanes” I will focus on in the coming weeks.”
What tools should you have in place for building a culture of generosity? Mark’s Bonus Section is entitled Systems Tell Your Story. Here, you will find a list of the key systems you need to tell the story of what your church is accomplishing for the Kingdom.
Our final post is by Tim Cool, the founder of Smart Church Solutions. One of the crucial needs across the SBC is the upkeep and maintenance of our facilities. Tim’s post, entitled Deferred Maintenance Explained for Facility Stewards, gives you practical advice on how to be a good steward of the facilities God has given you. This would be a great post to share with your team or committee that is assigned the task of maintaining your building and facilities. We can’t ask our members to be good stewards if we don’t practice good stewardship. Tim shows you what to focus on.
Remember, there is more to the Stewardship Journal than weekly help. Through the partnership our state convention has with the Stewardship Journal we can offer our churches a full host of materials and helps. Here is how to access this material:
- First, go to the Stewardship Journal site at
- Look in the upper right corner of the site for the link that says ‘Resources’ and click on it.
- Fill out the ‘Create an Account’ information. Your Username can be your email or any other name you assign. Create your own password and be sure to write it down for the future.
- Where it asks for an invite code, use this code: SBCSJ2024!
- In the final box, select our state convention.
With these tools, plus the weekly Stewardship Journal, we are providing you with the best resources in the SBC! Let’s work toward building a culture of generosity that will carry us forward in our mission until Jesus comes!
In Jesus’ name!