From The Stewardship Journal Team
The Stewardship Journal is now much more than a collection of posts and articles. The weekly Journal lays out the basics of stewardship planning. The additional resources we are making available to you for free help give you actionable plans for carrying out those basics. Here is how to access these resources:
- First, go to the Stewardship Journal site at
- Look in the upper right corner of the site for the link that says ‘Resources’ and click on it.
- Fill out the ‘Create an Account’ information. Your Username can be your email or any other name you assign. Create your own password and be sure to write it down for the future.
- Where it asks for an invite code, use this code: SBCSJ2024!
- In the final box, select our state convention.
Put these tools in your toolbox and see how giving increases! Now, here is a preview of this week’s Journal.
“Do you spend more time preparing for and executing your announcements each Sunday or your offering time?” That is the opening statement from Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, in his post on the offering’s fundamentals. Mark shares more offering basics with his column this week, entitled Exegeting the Fundamentals of Receiving an Offering.
Mark’s Bonus Section, entitled How I Write Offering Talks, gives you basic ideas on making your offering time worshipful and effective.
The offering isn’t dead, but it is different. In our final post, Developing a Digital Giving Strategy, we discuss how to use technology and the key tools your church needs for the 21st-century offering.
Are you enjoying the Stewardship Journal? Then let us know! Do you have a topic you would like us to write on? Let us know! We exist to help you!
In Jesus’ name!