From The Stewardship Journal Team
Welcome to the last edition of the Stewardship Journal. The Journal was started in 2021 by the Missouri Baptist State Convention for pastors and church leaders. It expanded in 2024 to include other state Conventions. The Journal is one of the few sources of stewardship advice in the SBC Convention. Here is a preview of what is in this final edition.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, begins his column with this opening, “This is The Final Edition of my weekly stewardship newsletter. I’ve dreaded typing that sentence for weeks. I have a couple of pages of random thoughts on what I wanted to say, how to say it, etc. I’ve typed that opening sentence and retyped it so many times in my mind. On a walk on a cold November day, my thoughts solidified. Here they are…” Mark then gives three pieces of advice that every pastor and minister must read!
One thing we have always worked hard at is giving church leaders practical help on how to build a culture of generosity. Our second post, The Coach’s Four December Tips to Make Your End-of-Year Giving a Success, gives you four practical and simple steps you can take to improve your end-of-year giving. Do you have a plan for end-of-year giving? This post will help you craft one!
Our final post is interesting for two reasons. First, the title, How to Give More Without Giving More, is not only intriguing, but it can help you get a great start to the New Year. The post shares how ACH recurring giving can save your church hundreds and thousands of dollars for Kingdom purposes. The interesting part is that this post has been drastically reworked with AI as we are publishing it. You can see how AI can make writing more effective.
As we conclude the Journal, we want to remind you that all articles can be found at Our prayer is that this site will remain one of your go-to guides for all things stewardship-related. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you and your church!
In Jesus’ name!