From The Stewardship Journal Team
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, writes all our posts in this Journal. Mark begins with an announcement in his post that says it all, The Retirement Issue. In this post, Mark announces his retirement of his eleven-year newsletter, The Stewardship Coach, and his plans for the Stewardship Journal. Mark writes, “So, with this Coach, I am announcing the retirement of my newsletters, The Stewardship Coach and the Stewardship Journal, with my final edition coming out in early December.” We are indebted to Mark for offering the best practical advice on stewardship that has benefited hundreds of churches.
Are You Prepared for the Two-Minute Warning? That is our next post by Mark as he works to position you for your end-of-year giving campaign. This post gives an overview of why you must have an end-of-year giving plan and some of the key elements needed to make your message impactful and effective. There is a reason non-profits have end-of-year plans. They work! Following Mark’s plan will work for you.
The final post, The Basic Steps for Effective Appeals, gives you practical advice on how to get your appeals read. If your members don’t read the story behind your appeal they probably will not respond. This post shares how to position both USPS mail and email to be effective tools to increase giving and givers. This post will get you started in the right direction.
So, what does Mark’s announcement mean for the Stewardship Journal? Mark has stated that he will keep the Stewardship Journal site up and running for free. He will continue posting blog articles at this site as well as archiving past articles and posts. So, as always, all articles can be found at Our goal remains the same, to help church leaders reverse the decline in giving to advance the Kingdom.