From The Stewardship Journal Team
Do you have a plan for end-of-year giving? If you are the typical pastor, you are more worried about next Sunday’s sermon. Who thinks of giving at the end of the year in October? The Stewardship Journal! We have all you need with this edition of the Journal. Here is an overview:
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, begins his column by writing, “The last six weeks of this year and the first six weeks of the New Year will largely determine how your financial year goes. That is how important having a seasonal strategy is. To help you prepare, this Coach is entitled How to Have End-of-Year Success. In this issue, I will show you some key building blocks for an effective year-end strategy.” Mark delivers, giving you reasons for why you must have an end-of-year plan.
Before you get too far in your end-of-year planning, you need to make sure you have all the building blocks in place to execute your plan successfully. Our second post, Begin With the Right Building Blocks, lays out exactly what those blocks are and how to use them. The right tools at the right time are crucial, so make sure your toolbox is ready by reading this post.
Our final post is Mark Brooks’ Bonus Section, where he gives away his 2024 #GivingTuesday Playbook, helping you think through and plan one of the biggest end-of-year events, #GivingTuesday. From written emails to offering talks, Mark shares how you can use this event to increase giving awareness at your church. The same principles can be applied to any special offering of the year. It’s good, practical advice you can use immediately.
Just a final reminder that if you are new to the Stewardship Journal or missed a week, all articles can be found at Our goal is to be your go-to resource for all things stewardship-related, especially your end-of-year strategy.