From the Stewardship Journal Team
In this edition of the Stewardship Journal, we help get you ready for closing out this year and positioning you for a great start in stewardship for the New Year.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, starts us out with a column entitled, Year-End Thoughts for Pastors to Think About. He shares key things church leaders should be focused on at this time of the year. His column will help you end this year strong while setting you up for a great start in stewardship for the approaching New Year.
Our Bonus Section follows up on this theme in a post entitled, The Coach’s Four December Tips to Make Your End of Year Giving a Success. You will find practical tips you can use each week of December to help you end your giving on a high note. It’s not too late to start an end-of-year plan for increasing giving at your church.
Is It Best To Fund Missionaries Independently or Cooperatively? is our final post in this edition. As Southern Baptists turn their attention to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering, we thought this post by Michael Cabell, Assistant to the Executive Director for Convention Relations for the Kentucky Baptist Convention, summed up well why we cooperate together.
Speaking of cooperation, we want to remind you that beginning January 8th, we will be taking the Journal national and adding additional SBC state conventions. This will enhance our ability to provide the best in stewardship/generosity advice. Stay tuned for more information about this important change.
In Jesus name!

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