From the Stewardship Journal Team
Do you have your summer giving plan in place? In this edition of the Stewardship Journal, we will help you put together a plan to make this summer’s giving the best you have ever had. This will allow you to do all the missions and ministries God has put in your heart. Here is a preview of this week’s Journal and the advice we give for summer giving plans.
As always, Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, kicks off the Journal with a post entitled Why You Need a Summer Giving Plan. Here is a quote from Mark where he wrote, “Let me ask you: without a summer giving strategy in place, how will that lack of a plan impact giving?” Mark then shares the importance of having a plan to help negate the typical decline in giving that the summer months create.
Mark’s Bonus Section is entitled Putting the Tools Together for Your Best Summer Giving Ever. Here, you will find practical ideas and tools for implementing your best summer giving ever!
In our final section, we have a repost of an article entitled Common Mistakes to Avoid. Here is a quote that sums up the post. “You, too, could avoid the angst of summer giving by utilizing an online giving strategy this summer. To help you do that, let me point out the most common mistakes churches make regarding their online giving strategy.” If you want to utilize online giving to its fullest, this is a must-read!
After reading this week’s and last week’s Journals, you will have a lead on your summer planning. But wait! There is more summer-giving help your Convention has provided for you. Last week, we announced that you could…
Get more help planning out your summer giving with The 15 Offerings of Summer: How to Reverse the Summer Slump in 60 Seconds. I’ve mentioned before that part of what we now offer MO Baptists is not only the weekly Stewardship Journal newsletter but also seasonal manuals, called playbooks, for every season of the year. Here is how to access that material:
- First, go to the Stewardship Journal site at
- Look in the upper right corner of the site for the link that says ‘Resources’ and click on it.
- Fill out the ‘Create an Account’ information. Your Username can be your email or any other name you assign. Create your own password and be sure to write it down for the future.
- Where it asks for an invite code, use this code: SBCSJ2024!
- In the final box, select our state convention.
Register today to get your free copy of The 15 Offerings of Summer!