From the Stewardship Journal Team
Did you know you have less than 10 seconds before someone leaves your website if you don’t capture their attention? In this edition of the Stewardship Journal, we continue our focus on the various lanes you need to build and sustain a culture of generosity. In this issue, we focus on the Digital Lane.
Where are people today? That’s a question Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, asks in his lead post entitled The Digital Lane: Using Today’s Technology to Shape Eternity. Mark gives an answer of where people are by saying, “Look around you the next time you are at Starbucks. Count how many people’s heads are down looking at a screen. That’s your answer.” This is a major reason why we in the church must be where people are – online.
If you only have 10 seconds to make an impression on those that land on your website, your website better be good. And, if your site is going to help increase giving, it must be set up correctly. Our Bonus Section, entitled Is Your Church Website Giver-Friendly?, will help you make your site giver-friendly.
“If you have ever visited the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals website, you know immediately what they are about: taking care of animals.” That is the opening sentence of our final post, entitled The Story of a Great Landing Page. This post will help you see examples of how you can design sites that improve your ability to effectively communicate the story you want potential donors to hear.
These three posts are designed to complement one another, better allowing you to build the plans and infrastructure to keep your church fully funded for the future.
Did you miss a week? If you missed reading any of our previous Journals, you can find all the posts at
Who else in your church or staff might benefit from reading the Journal? The material we are providing you through the Stewardship Journal is available for any leaders in your church. Reading the Journal might help improve your next staff meeting or Finance Meeting.
Thank you for once again allowing us to serve you.